In more than 45 years of operation Stop has been awarded for its innovation, pioneering and dynamics.
1997 – Receives honor for the implementation of the first CE mark on a Greek personal protective equipment product by the Greek Ministry of Development.
1999 – Receives the 1st Quality Production award by the Greek Changer of Commerce.
2010 – Placed amongst the strongest companies in Greece by ICAP.
2016 – Receives a Distinction in E-commerce award for in the category E-shops – Products at E-volution awards.
2017 – Second year Distinction in E-commerce for in the same category at E-volution awards.
2018 – Third time Distinction in E-commerce for in E-volution awards.
2019 – Placed among the 206 most dynamic organizations out of 8.000 in total, in the framework of Growth Awards for growth and competitiveness, is qualified to the 2nd phase of evaluation and is highlighted as “Growth Driver 2019”.