The aim of this Policy is to describe the Organization’s commitments towards health and safety.
STOP ΑΕΒΕ commits itself to proceed to all necessary actions to improve health and safety conditions in order to ensure the protection of life and health of every worker as well as suppliers, subcontractors and visitors at the company’s premises, as stated by the relevant provisions of Greek and European legislation. The interaction between the company and the immediate environment is also studied and how this is influenced by health and safety issues. The immediate environment included our customers, the local community, shareholders, competitors, various commercial organizations we participate in, creditors and insurers.
The activities of STOP ΑΕΒΕ included in the scope of our Health and Safety management system are:
Company’s policy is based on:
- The evaluation of hazards and the application of all necessary measures for their control.
- The creation of programs for preventive action and improvement of working conditions.
- The maintenance and monitoring of the equipment’s and facilities’ safe function.
- The respect of the legal demands, the standards and of the internal directives.
- The open and clear communication and the constant and proper training for all issues that concern health and safety.
STOP AEBE ultimate goal is that all works are performed based on the optimal in quality and time, without any accident or incident that could harm human health. Health and safety of the workers is the concern of all people involved in the company’s activities and depend on ourselves.
STOP AEBE policy and goals for the health and safety of workers are implemented by the workers themselves in all organizational levels and by acknowledging potential hazards during their work, they contribute in the improvement of the Health and Safety Management system.
The Management